Review: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


Metroid Prime 3: Corruption has a lot to prove. Eastern Samoa the final chapter in the lauded Prime series, information technology's tasked with swathe up the Metroid universe's unique foray into three dimensions. It's too up against the high technical expectations of the FPS music genre, but encumbered by the Wii's lack of processing power. And as a first-party title, IT's Nintendo's chance to prove that the Wii's unorthodox controls can deliver a satisfying first-person shooter experience.

Corruption again takes up the story of exoskeleton-suited bounty hunter Samus Aran, WHO finds herself dealing with the effects of Phazon, a noxious mutagen introduced in past Premier titles. I won't give away any key plot points, merely suffice information technology to say that Samus, in typic Prime fashion, travels to multiple exotic locations where she battles enemies some new and familiar. It's a slenderly more driven story than in previous outings, and provides an interesting background for the gameplay we've come to expect from the franchise.

At its core, Corruption is loyal to the Ground legacy, balancing combat, state of affairs puzzles, and exploration in an exceptionally well-paced software packag. Samus' trademark morph-ballock abilities are as integrated into the layer design as ever, and her CAT scan visor still plays a central role in puzzle-solving and general exhibition. Each spick-and-span area provides her an ability that proves essential to negotiating the environment or defeating enemies, and buy at small skirmishes are punctuated by minibosses, leading adequate the inevitable epic knob battles.

Putridness breaks form in respective area, though. Unlike in past Metroid titles, Samus doesn't begin with a full phase of the moon compliment of powers that she immediately loses and must slowly regain. Rather, she starts out fairly able and gradually adds new weapons system and gear to her repertoire. Her arm-attached beam cannon upgrades are additive, with each new power-up complimenting the ones before it, so there's no penury for frequent beam switching as the game progresses. Thither's also fewer backtracking than in late Prime titles.


The most notable change, however, is Corruption's expanding upon of the serial publication' storytelling scope and methods. Taking its cues from Halo-styled sci-fi epics, its plot is a cutscene and character-rich departure from the comparatively conservative, text-founded approach of the last cardinal games. In Putridness, Samus' Former Armed Forces-ranging exploits even involve a host of vox-acted characters, including a colorful congratulate of gent Bounty hunters, reminiscent of those introduced last year in Metroid Prime: Hunters on the Nintendo DS.

The result is a little unfruitful experience, only one that's as wel a bit fewer mysterious. Corruption doesn't always provide that inaccessible, Samus-vs.-the-unknown feeling that was thusly much a part of the previous games' character, and as so much the game feels slightly less unique. Regrettably the dialogue and articulation acting fall short of the Gospel According to Mark, equally do the many of character models and animations that accompany story events. Putrefaction's cutscenes aren't dreadful, just they certainly don't show the same mastery of craft that the rest of the game exhibits.


Corruption is so visually stunning, though, that these missteps are easy to overlook. Even running at 480p with the Wii's hardware limitations, it's arguably one of the well-nig visually distinguished games on whatsoever platform. Corruption's colorful, exotic environments are increasingly striking, with each more fantastic than the one before. Many recall the mysterious, technologically bizarre realms of the later Myst titles, and all are a thrill to explore.

Samus' enemies are similarly effectual, and they're as smartly modeled as they are animated. There's no denying that Corruption cranks unstylish far fewer polygons and to a lesser extent detailed textures than its next-gen peers, but it doesn't matter. It's gorgeous, and its framerate is butter-smooth. And Subversion isn't just a spread for the eyes. In keeping with Metroid standards, its identifiable audio effects are superb, and lend a remarkable atmosphere the game.

Fight is at the center of Corruption, and IT's the first brave to demonstrate the nice pleasure of Wii remote-enabled shot. Its two assure options switch the lock-on and tv camera tracking functions between something like the traditional Prime frame-up and a more fluid FPS aimlook scheme. Genre aficionados bequeath undoubtedly debate the matter, just Depravity actually makes a solid character for the Wii distant as the aiming tool of choice for console shooters. Information technology's more intuitive than pai-stick console FPS controls, and arguably more precise. It also makes for far less cumbersome platforming than in the previous Prime games.

There's a ingenious in-cockpit perspective of Samus' send on (another first for the series) where the player uses the Wii remote to moderate her hand as she flicks switches and pushes buttons through and through story events. She's also equipped with a get by radiate that launches and retracts via nunchuck gestures to binge away blast doors and enemy shields. Some of the other motion-enabled features, like a pull-tress-push method of opening night locks, spirit unwieldy and planned, but mostly they congratulate and add variety to the slick armed combat controls.


A few other features expand on the Bloom formula, like Samus' power to song her ship forward to specific areas for energy recharges and back save points, and a Phazon-enabled "hypermode" that provides her a devastating short-term firepower boost. You can too use medals obtained via visor scanning to unlock concept art, music, and the like. There's even a quirky WiiConnect24 feature that allows you to swap "friend vouchers" with those on your friends list to obtain peculiarly unusual unlockables, like a tool that allows you to send on in-game screenshots to your friends, and bobble-heads with Mii faces attached to Samus bodies.

Corruption's a somewhat easier game than its predecessors, at least in terms of combat. Though it's just American Samoa neural structure equally departed Peak games, it's shootout tends toward a slightly more streamlined, arcade-like feel. The clever, multilayered boss battles that distinguish the series are more awesome than ever, and they'Ra also more enjoyable, outstanding to the fact you preceptor't have to manage with an awkward control scheme to get the job done.

Corruption is a great game, as promising to delight longtime Metroid fans as it is to convert those newfangled to the series. Though it falls slimly short in a few areas, it more than makes good on the promise of its heritage. It also sets the classic for motion control-enabled shooting, and establishes the Wii as a valid platform for future FPS titles. Metroid Prime 3: Subversion is a terrific addition to the Wii's library, and a fitting conclusion to the Prime trilogy.


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